Acute Kidney Injury During Preeclampsia at Parakou University Hospital in Benin in 2019: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects

Author Details

Tchaou B. A, Ahoui S, Samake B. M, Tchegnonsi N. C. F, Eteka E, Ngangen Nongni A. E, Chobli M

Journal Details


Published: 21 December 2020 | Article Type :


Background: Acute renal injury during preeclampsia is a relatively common complication in intensive care and grafted with significant morbidity and mortality.

Objective: Describe the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of acute kidney injury during preeclampsia at Parakou University Hospital in Benin in 2019.

Patients and Method: This was a descriptive and analytical observational cross-sectional study with prospective data collection that took place from March 18th to August 18th, 2019 (5 months) in the intensive care unit and the maternity ward. Women with preeclampsia were included. Acute renal failure, dependent variable has been diagnosed and classified according to the criteria of Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO).

Results: A total of 88 patients were included in the study, 39 developed acute kidney injury (44.32%). The average age was 26.42 ± 6.23 years. The majority was primigest (44.32%), pregnancy had not been followed 61.54%. The majority were classified as stage 1 (46.15%). The patients admitted to the intensive care unit were at stages 2 and 3 for acute kidney injury. The table was associated with eclampsia in 38.46%, HELLP syndrom in 10.26% and acute pulmonary edema in 12.82%. Medical treatment was based on hydroelectrolytic rebalancing, magnesium sulfate, antihypertensive and transfusion of red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma. Cesarean section was performed for 76.92% of cases. The outcome was positive for 71.79% of patients.

Conclusion: Preeclampsia is a risk factor for acute kidney injury and is a maternal prognosis factor.

Keywords: Acute kidney failure, Preeclampsia, Prognosis, Parakou.

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How to Cite


Tchaou B. A, Ahoui S, Samake B. M, Tchegnonsi N. C. F, Eteka E, Ngangen Nongni A. E, Chobli M. (2020-12-21). "Acute Kidney Injury During Preeclampsia at Parakou University Hospital in Benin in 2019: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-11